One thing I think people are forgetting here is that on average, individuals are pretty careful about their own security, which is all that matters here - not what everyone else is doing.My clients are a perfect example of that.I've been selling here about six weeks now, though I've been here basically since the beginning.Do you see any threads about me?There was one about a month ago, guy posted asking if anyone dealt with me, and it died for lack of responses.Yet here I am, screaming along and it won't be long till I crack the top 10 for vendors here, and you still won't see a review thread.That's because my customers face a far different threat model than the other customers on this board. They might be willing to offer an opinion of someone they bought some weed off of, and next week offer another opinion on a RC vendor. So the weed vendor knows he bought RCs, and the RC vendor knows he bought a gram of weed. Not a lot of threat there.But telling someone you bought seeds - that's a whole 'nother ball of wax. It's not like that gram of weed you bought that was gone by Saturday, nosiree. Nope, someone who bought seeds is pretty much likely to be wanting to grow those things out, and posting a review tells any unscrupulous vendor they've dealt with that now they don't have an address for someone who bought a gram of weed, they now have an address for someone that bought enough seeds to grow pounds of weed.It also means that for every sale I get, I usually exchange 8 - 10 PM's with my clients - for EVERY order, answering the questions that any other vendor would be asked in a thread. And even more PMs with potential clients who haven't purchased yet. Over 1,600 PMs received and sent last week, and the week before almost as many, and nary a whisper on the forums.Cause my clients may be stoners, but they're not stupid, and they know the threat model they operate under is different than most customers here, and govern themselves accordingly.So yeah, I don't have a problem with the press here at all. Sure, they'll twist shit around and make it look evil and bad and decadent, but who cares? For every few people sitting around tsk-tsk'ing over the site, there's gonna be one or two that slip home and google 'tor' and 'silk road' because in this case there is no such thing as bad publicity.And it won't hurt a soul on these boards.It's also why I'm dead set against these threads on here calling out buyers by vendors - bringing to the attention of possibly unscrupulous vendors the purchases of clients who's information should remain sacrosanct.Want to improve security here on the Silk Road?Instantly ban and freeze the accounts of any vendor who mentions a client without that client first bringing the relationship public. Give the funds to the outed party. Client information, including the fact that they are even a client, is something every vendor should hold in the greatest regard.Client wants to bitch about a vendor? Got to town, and the vendor can respond.Vendor outs a client purchase, or even that they are a client, for any reason whatsoever, ban-hammer the ignorant cunt, permanently. Oh hooey, Stan gave me a 4/5, so I'm gonna spread his name around and form a cartel to boycott him. No, what you're doing is debasing the trust your clients gave you, and it's people like that we can do without, not BBC Radio reporters.